Tixeo, a European software company specialized in secure video conferencing, launches its new iOS app allowing to organize and participate privately to meetings from iPhone and iPad. This is the first time that a professional secure videoconferencing app is available for free on App Store.
By launching this app, Tixeo meets the mobility, security and privacy needs of Apple users for the organization of their online meetings. The users already had Tixeo solutions on macOS-based computers, they can now find the Tixeo universe under iOS.

Highly private videoconferencing on iOS
To adapt to the security and privacy requirements linked to employees’ mobility, Tixeo teams have developed the same security mechanisms as those deployed on MacOS and Windows solutions (certified and qualified by ANSSI-1-) as a real end-to-end encrypted communication (audio, video, chat, data) in a multi-point video conference, link encryption or not having ports to open.
All Tixeo benefits on iPhone and iPad
The app user interface is the same as on macOS, Android or PC. In addition, it is now possible to benefit of all advantages of Tixeo video conferencing on Apple mobile devices.
iOS users will also enjoy Tixeo’s high audio/video quality with SVC-2- on Demand technology that allows you to adapt streams to networks (3G/4G/wifi). Regarding the collaboration, all Tixeo’s features are available: document, app and desktop sharing, remote control, file transfer, record and livestreaming, corporate messaging and end-to-end encrypted chat.
Finally, this new app allows perfect interoperability with legacy videoconferencing systems (H. 323 / SIP) and phone network (incoming and outcoming calls).

The application will be presented at the 10th edition of the International Cybersecurity Forum (FIC) which will be held on January 23 and 24, 2018 at Lille Grand Palais. Visitors will be able to meet and exchange with the teams on the Tixeo booth (E28, innovation area) and during the demonstration workshop whose theme will be “Video conferencing security: issues, state of the art and solution” on January 24, 2018 at 12:30 pm (moderated by Sébastien JEANJEAN – Tixeo Co-Founder).