Secure Collaboration

Boost Your Team’s Productivity

Whether working remotely or in a hybrid model, your team needs to collaborate easily.

Tixeo: The Secure Collaboration Workspace

With Tixeo’s secure video collaboration solution, enjoy an innovative and reliable virtual open-space to reinvent team collaboration and cohesion remotely.

Reignite your team’s desire to work together.

Your Exchanges on Our Platform

Votre équipe projet est multi-sites ?

Is Your Project
Team Multi-Site?

Daily, multi-site project teams collaborate remotely in small groups, organizing kick-off meetings, coordination sessions, and brainstorming that need to be effective.

Vous recrutez des talents partout dans le monde ?

Are you recruiting talent all over the world?

Thanks to teleworking, companies are expanding their business remotely and broadening their international recruitment horizons. The onboarding of your new employees is easily done remotely and in a friendly environment within the virtual open-space. 

Vous collaborez avec des partenaires à l’international ?

Do you work with international partners?

Your employees are in regular contact with partners and suppliers, whether for negotiation meetings, project monitoring or training, while ensuring the confidentiality of exchanges and shared documents.

Benefits of Tixeo secure videoconferencing

Chiffrement de bout en bout

Secure communications

Thanks to Tixeo’s end-to-end encryption, your teams can communicate online and share documents confidentially, regardless of their size. Collaboration is perfectly secure.

Continuité d’activité

Collaboration in project mode

Tixeo’s virtual open-space allows you to create collaborative spaces that can be adapted to suit your projects. People from different departments can easily collaborate, for greater cross-functionality and efficiency.


Enhanced productivity

No more isolation for teleworkers: thanks to videocollaboration, they can work independently and talk to one or more colleagues at any time, with just one click on their video bubble. Teleworking wellbeing and time savings guaranteed!

Hybrid working, a source of performance

Agile teamwork, even from a distance, should no longer frighten companies.
Tixeo meets every collaboration need in hybrid or 100% remote mode 

Le travail hybride, source de performance

Save time

Communiquez en temps réel

Communicate in real time

With a reliable, secure videoconferencing solution, you can facilitate exchanges between your multi-site employees. Discussion groups allow communication to continue asynchronously.

Facilitez la gestion de projets

Make project management easier

Thanks to Tixeo’s secure open space, your project team can work in small, flexible groups, without being isolated from the rest of their colleagues. Just like in the office! Project management made easy.

teleworking quote

With Tixeo :

In the virtual open-space, I click on their video bubble and start a fifteen-minute discussion with them. It’s much clearer!


With a traditional video conference:

I schedule a one-hour online meeting with the whole team in two days’ time. And I wait…

Take collaboration even further

Formation de partenaires ou collaborateurs

Training of partners or employees

With Tixeo’s Conferencing mode, you can easily organize partner training sessions, virtual classes, co-development workshops or internal awareness sessions, in total security.

Partage de données confidentielles

Sharing confidential data

With the “enhanced security” function, you don’t have to leave the virtual open space to talk about confidential subjects. Enter a code within your meeting to enter a secret communication tunnel with your contact, without leaving the meeting in progress. You’ll be more efficient.

Boost your agility and productivity

L’open-space virtuel Tixeo

The Tixeo virtual open space

To combat employee isolation

Employees appear in the form of video bubbles in the collaboration space. Everyone can work individually, surrounded by their colleagues. If you want to work with more than one person, all you need to do is click on the video bubble of a connected person.

Teleworking employees no longer feel isolated from the rest of their team.

Everything you need to know about Tixeo open-space units


Prise de contrôle à distance

Remote control

Improve efficiency 

During an online meeting, thanks to the “screen sharing” function, Tixeo allows an employee to give control of his screen to the other person. Practical for providing assistance or training a newcomer in internal processes remotely.

Discover Tixeo online meetings


Enhanced collaboration

For almost 10 years, Tixeo has been 100% teleworking thanks to its video collaboration solution and its unique open-space, adapted to hybrid working.

La collaboration augmentée

The day-to-day work of the Tixeo teams

Every day, Tixeo employees connect and collaborate in the virtual collaboration space. Just like in a traditional office, they work together synchronously and securely. Their productivity is clearly improved.

Discover the Tixeo model of augmented teleworking

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Tixeo, technology certified and qualified by ANSSI

Since 2017, the French government, via the Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d’informations (ANSSI), has been recommending the use of Tixeo for organisations in critical sectors.

Discover how Tixeo meets the specificities needs of your industry sector.

Defense and Aerospace

Industry and energy


Banking, Finance, Insurance

Public administrations

Tixeo provides a secure video conferencing technology that is used by many organisations.

Find out what we can do for you.