Business partners
A network of competent business security partners
Tixeo, the leader of secure video conferencing in France and in Europe, relies on a network of multi-skilled partners to precisely answer the needs of organizations that want to strengthen the confidentiality of their communication and adopt a new vision of video collaboration. Whatever the stage of your project, do not hesitate to contact us so that we can indicate the partner adapted to your request.

A network of competent security partners
Tixeo, the leader of secure video conferencing in France and in Europe, relies on a network of multi-skilled partners to precisely answer the needs of organizations that want to strengthen the confidentiality of their communication and adopt a new vision of video collaboration. Whatever the stage of your project, do not hesitate to contact us so that we can indicate the partner adapted to your request.

12, Avenue Charles de Gaulle
31130 Balma, FRANCE
Your contact: Lionel Bardinet, integrator

Since 2002, Bardinet Telecom has been assisting companies in the selection, installation and monitoring of their telecommunications systems. Reactivity and proximity to customers are their watchwords. Because videoconferencing is part of a work environment, Bardinet Télécom’s expertise also extends to the provision of Internet access, secure remote access solutions and voice over IP. By combining more than 30 years of experience with small and medium-sized businesses with numerous certification courses to support the technological evolution of telecoms, Bardinet Télécom is able to offer simple, effective and efficient solutions.
Bardinet Telecom is a Tixeo partner since 2019.

115 rue Saint-Dominique
75007 Paris, FRANCE
Your contact: Pascaline Abdini, CEO

Founded in 2010, Cluster Défense Sécurité specialises in information protection.
Cluster Défense Sécurité offers customised support and training to help organisations better protect sensitive information and secrecy (IGI 1300).
Some exemples:
- Cybersecurity – Data Shield® training: involving employees in protecting sensitive data.
- Support in responding to a contract subject to national defence confidentiality (IGI 1300).
- Training for employees authorised to protect national defence secrets (IGI 1300).
→ Learn more
Cluster Défense Sécurité is accredited by the ANSSI as a “field service provider” under the “Cyber” component of France Relance. Cluster Défense Sécurité is a DataDock-certified and Qualiopi-certified training organisation.

68/70 Avenue de Saint-Mandé
75012 Paris, FRANCE

The founders of MIND TECHNOLOGIES, coming from the scientific field, decided to have a transverse offer and a rigorous methodology when they created the company 25 years ago. Methodology, transversality and multi-skilled engineers are therefore the key words that constitute the DNA of MIND TECHNOLOGIES. The certification of its engineers at the highest level of accreditation with its technological partners is a rule. Since 2001, MIND TECHNOLOGIES has specialized in the field of cyber defense. This is how it has been entrusted with critical infrastructure security projects, vital and with strong implementation time constraints. In 2020, the ANSSI chooses Mind Technologies to participate in its new PAMS qualification
commercial@mind-techno.fr | Tel. +33 1 70 99 18 00
Your contacts:
Michael Plüss / +41765388855
Olivier Rolland / +41615190051

As a sales agency and business partner of Tixeo SAS, we are responsible for business development in Switzerland and Liechtenstein. As entrepreneurs, we have many years of experience in defining, developing and managing start-ups, especially in IT and in the areas of marketing and sales. We focus our consulting activities on supporting companies in the development of suitable IT security concepts and high-end security solutions in the areas of finance, industry, government and trade. Recording suitable measures for the economic improvement of the security system of companies is one of our core competences. As former auditors and consultants, we have developed and established the vision of new service offerings such as “Global Risk Management Solutions”, “Ethical Hacking” and “Vulnerability Management” for one of the Big Four. We also have several years of experience in initiating venture capital for large-scale projects in the health and life science sectors.
swiss@tixeo.com | Tel. +41765388855 | Tel. +41615190051

Heidebadlaan 34
2900, Schoten, Antwerp, BELGIUM
Your contact: Fabrice Hecquet
CyberXpert serves companies from private and public sector in Cyber Strategy and Data Privacy. Cyber Strategy services include Security Assessment, Pen testing, Vulnerability Mgt, email protection, long term security strategy development.
Data Privacy services offer a range of services and solutions: DPO as a Service, GDPR awareness, GDPR compliance program, Legal representative following ART.27. Solution to manage your GDPR program, cookies banners, encrypted video, data anonymization, end point encryption and EDR.
Fabrice Hecquet spent more than 10 years in the Cyber Security sector. After having operated in companies like Cisco, Fireye,Symantec, Excellium Services, Vasco Data Security, , he created CyberXpert. CyberXpert offers consultancy services and solution deployment in the Belux, Africa, USA, Australia, 100% made in Europe and GDPR compliant.
cyberxpert@partner.tixeo.com | Tel. + 32 478 82 03 03

Nibelungenstraße 28
65428 Rüsselsheim, GERMANY

Connect4Video is a telecommunications provider registered with the Federal Network Agency. We follow the German data protection regulations as well as the requirements of the DSGVO. Thanks to our partner Tixeo, we were able to expand our product range with a high-security product, which we offer under the name Crypt4Video.
Crypt4Video runs exclusively on our own servers, which we operate in datacenters in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
www.connect4video.com | Sales@connect4video.com | Tel. +49 6131 6368760

Prielle Kornelia u. 19/G
1117 Budapest, HUNGARY

Privacy and trust are key factors in their business to achieve long-term customer satisfaction. Besides complex system development and integration, they also provide technical and management consultancy in the fields of Enterprise Data Management, Data Privacy, Data Engineering, Telecommunications Engineering and AV System Integration. They offer Tixeo’s products even to their most stringent customers with great confidence.
www.vortess.com | info@vortess.com | Tél. +36 20 9580 169
You want to become a Tixeo’s partner in secure video conferencing ?
Contact us now at +33 (0) 467 750 431 or partners@tixeo.com
Need more information ?
Tixeo provides a secure video conferencing technology that is used by many organisations.
Find out what we can do for you.