In order to develop an ecosystem around its HD videoconferencing solution, WorkSpace3D, Tixeo announces the release of an API. It will allow both customers and partners to quickly integrate WorkSpace3D to third-party software.

A custom control of WorkSpace3D

By using SOAP oriented Web Services from any language, the WorkSpace3D API allows developers controlling all the meeting and users management functions. It is not only possible to schedule video conferences, but also to edit both date and attendees list, and even cancel it. Besides, it is also possible to add and edit users accounts, and manage the right of hosting meetings.

The ease of use of the API, its quality, and its ability of being used from any language, makes integrating videoconferencing into third-party software accessible.

Where videoconferencing meets Information Systems

Using this API allow customers quickly integrating WorkSpace3D into their Information System, increasing its flexibility and efficiency. There are many use cases, and in particular integrating WorkSpace3D into:

  • the Intranet of the company to check available time slot and schedule video conferences from a shared and public calendar,
  • the CRM to schedule and host video conferences with customers,
  • Email clients, such as Outlook, Thunderbird and Zimbra to schedule video conferences.

This API allow companies to meet precisely their needs and use cases, depending on their existing information system.

New opportunities for partners

Thanks to this API, partners will be more independent in their customers relationship, for instance, to set up automated trial periods of WorkSpace3D.

Besides, the different API functions make it possible to not only design their own applications, but also develop new sales proposals by integrating WorkSpace3D to their existing solutions (conference calls, IP Centrex…)

Through this deep integration, WorkSpace3D will bring a new growth engine to its partners.

Tixeo brings video conferencing to Information Systems with its new API