Tixeo Soft. was at Comdex in Las Vegas on november 17-20.
We thank all who came on our booth. Tixeo Soft. has had a press release on Comdex Daily.
We also thank all the companies who where on the French pavillon and organisation as Région Languedoc Roussillon, ProdExport, Pole TiiM and LIRMM …
COMDEX (an abbreviation of COMputer Dealers’ EXhibition) is a computer expo trade show held in the Las Vegas Valley of Nevada, United States, each November from 1979 to 2003. It is one of the largest computer trade shows in the world, usually second only to the German CeBIT, and one of the largest trade shows in any industry sector. COMDEX exhibitions are held in many other countries from 1982 to 2005, with 185 shows altogether. The first COMDEX was held in 1979 at the MGM Grand (now Bally’s), with 167 exhibitors and 3904 attendees. In 1981, the first COMDEX/Spring was held in New York City.
Tixeo Soft ComDex: knowing Tixeo
Our mission is to design and provide organizations with secure videoconferencing solutions that guarantee the strict privacy of their communications.
Working in close cooperation with our customers, we have developed 100% European videoconferencing solutions with a level of performance, collaboration and security never achieved before (certified and qualified by ANSSI).
Every day, all over the world, we support thousands of users, SMEs and large groups. Aware of the challenges related to espionage and cybercrime issues, we are committed to offering our clients a unique and highly secure collaboration experience.