Allowing employees to work from home on a daily basis is a commitment that few French companies make today. Tixeo wanted to go even further by creating a unique full remote organisational model, which offers a number of advantages.
Rethinking teleworking
Although increasingly questioned by society, teleworking has been adopted by a majority of organisations. Besides, according to a study by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound), the number of people working remotely will double between 2019 and 2021. Teleworking has become part of everyday life and is appreciated by a large proportion of the working population. When properly supported, teleworking has positive effects, both on the employee’s quality of life and on the company’s performance. For some sectors, full remote is even perfectly suited.
Nevertheless, 100% teleworking is still an uncommon practice, subject to many misconceptions. There are many questions about this model:
- How can we ensure that employees remain committed to the company even though they work from home every day?
- What are the levers for maintaining a good team spirit?
- What environment will the employee be working in?
- How can their use be made secure?
- How can we combat the feeling of isolation that some employees may experience?
Tixeo has come up with innovative answers to all these questions, to improve the quality of life of its employees and boost its productivity.
Tixeo, a fully paperless company for 8 years
In 2015, Tixeo decided to leave its Montpellier offices, which had been occupied since 2003. As a result, all its teams began teleworking. The initial reason? To stop wasting time (and energy) in morning and evening traffic jams. When teleworking, employees save time and stress by not having to commute.
But that’s not all: for Tixeo, working from home means greater flexibility. Employees benefit from a better balance between their professional and personal lives. At the end of their teleworking day, they can devote themselves directly to their family, their hobbies or their community involvement. This is essential for personal fulfilment, as is the ability to communicate easily with colleagues.
Welcome to the virtual open-space!
For the company, the main challenge is to maintain strong team cohesion by recreating, remotely, the same interactions as face-to-face. That’s the whole point of the augmented teleworking model.
With this in mind, Tixeo has integrated the TixeoFusion mode into its secure video collaboration solution. Teams log on to the software every day and work as if they were in the office. Everyone appears in a small video bubble and can work in peace while surrounded by their colleagues.

Each discussion group is represented by a different colour.
One-click interaction
To exchange views, employees simply click on a person’s bubble to switch to a traditional videoconference. They can then easily share their screen, chat with a colleague or concentrate on their work without feeling isolated. Isolation is the risk of teleworking most feared by employers. With the virtual open-space, communication is fluid. Because everyone is visible and on an equal footing, it encourages employees who don’t necessarily work together to talk to each other. This proximity also provides a direct link with the management team and managers, and offers greater cross-functionality in project management, while empowering employees.

Moreover, thanks to the end-to-end encryption of the Tixeo videoconferencing solution, employees’ audio, video and data exchanges are perfectly protected from eavesdropping or spying. Security is essential when employees work 100% from home.

ANSSI security certificate
Tixeo is currently the only videoconferencing technology to be certified AND qualified by the French National Agency for Information Systems Security (ANSSI).
A quarterly premium seminar
Although the Tixeo teams work from home, they do not hesitate to meet regularly at quarterly seminars organised throughout Europe. The savings made on office space enable the company to offer premium trips lasting several days. These get-togethers are an opportunity to share moments of conviviality and to take part in group workshops on topical subjects of importance to the company. A change of environment encourages employees to innovate and come up with new ideas. The seminars are also an opportunity to take stock of the business and get to know new arrivals.
The 100% augmented teleworking model thus combines a better quality of life, enhanced productivity and time for face-to-face meetings.
The 3 advantages of 100% increased teleworking
1. An increase in productivity
Employees enjoy a better quality of life, are less stressed and feel more committed to the company. In addition, the virtual open-space helps to reduce ‘meeting fatigue’, or the often unproductive succession of long videoconference meetings. By encouraging short exchanges between colleagues, the TixeoFusion mode saves teams time and energy.
2. An asset for recruitment
Companies are no longer limited to one geographical area when recruiting, so recruitment opportunities are multiplied, as are the chances of finding the best talent.
3. Strong team cohesion, even at a distance
Teleworkers are not isolated, and enjoy a friendly working environment even from a distance, while being able to communicate easily with each other.
Everything you need to know about the implementation of the 100% augmented teleworking model